By having sustainability as our business driver, we not only seek to generate economic value, but also social and environmental value.

Environmental Management

We are committed to a sustainable future for our business, the communities and the environment. We operate in an integrated manner in the management of water resources, waste, and emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), working steadily for a low-carbon economy, through the Climate Change and Energy Policy.




We stimulate the co-processing activity in all of our units, in the different countries we operate.

By encouraging the use of alternative fuels in our operations, we optimize the efficiency of our production and reduce the emission of CO2, bringing benefits to the entire production chain, the environment and society.

CO2 Inventory

With reference to the calculations of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs), including CO2 (carbon dioxide), we follow protocol WBCSD/WRI Cement COand Energy Protocol 3.04, according to the GHG Protocol model. The calculations are audited by an outside independent entity in all the countries we operate.


Social Responsibility

Our social action strategy seeks to strengthen community bonds, value local assets, articulate partners and set up collaboration networks aiming at creating a favorable and participative environment for the communities’ sustainable development and autonomy.